Thursday, February 18, 2010

Can I Still Get Pregnant With A Cervical Erosion Vaginal Bleeding While Pregnant?

Vaginal bleeding while pregnant? - can i still get pregnant with a cervical erosion

Hello, I'm 22 and I have a child of 10 months.

My last REAL period was October 22 and my husband and I have tried to have a baby. I was 100% sure that I was pregnant again. I remember the symptoms, but here is the kicker.

I started with light bleeding 2 weeks before my period of absence, and May would have thought that the erosion of the cervix. (The site will start when you have sex.) The spotting lasted a few days, then left. The spots were then began a week later and it was a week and then stopped again, then began to bleed a few days and the bleeding was light (which is not normal for me when I have my period.) J 'clean the blood diluted.

Then the bleeding is stopped a couplee of the week and then my husband and I had sex to bleed, then immediately started again and has not stopped. I have heavy bleeding with small clots NO cramping just a little wind makes me nervous. I often have severe cramps with bleeding to the point where I can not walk it hurts so much. Therefore, it is absolutely not normal for me. My basal body temperature remains high and has not diminished. This takes between 97.6-98.3 and my normal temperature, while the bleeding between 95.6-96.2. So this is another reason why I think you might be pregnant. My temperature was high with my son.

Here's the kicker. I'll take any pregnancy test is negative. It was not until the age of 10 weeks for a positive outcomemy son. I think I'm running into the same problem and have no insurance right now. So until I know for sure that I do not see a doctor. That sounds like a subchorionic bleed for you? Who can help me through this was? PLEASE!


Marie09 said...

I do not know where you live, but in most places you can go to the hospital and treated for free, at least, so if you are pregnant can know. Find out why you have all the facilities are different, so if you think you are pregnant, have to get checked, because if they could spot, complications with the baby, and if you have no clots, miscarriages, and must D & C. Or the bicycle can be irregular. After my first child, my pain was not bad and my periods have become shorter. best advice a physician.

ink_stai... said...

DOCTOR! Just go visit a doctor quickie, because I'm not really sure what to do ...

faith said...

You must call the hotline of the pregnancy.
The free (kinda. only a phone bill)
and that can help

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